12:18 PM

Fall Non Profit Forum Focuses on Cause Marketing Tactics

Southern Ocean Chamber invites Coastal Non Profits to November 3 discussion

Ocean County and other coastal non profits are invited to look into new ways to incorporate essential components of a successful cause marketing campaign. The Southern Ocean Chamber, hosted at Stockton University Manahawkin Campus will present their Fall Non Profit Forum Cause Marketing Workshop on November 3 beginning at 10am at the Stockton Manahawkin Campus on Bay Avenue beginning at 10am.  Light refreshments will be served, there is no fee for representatives of a non profit organiation to attend. 

Presented by Jennifer Barr, PhD, MBA the discussion will lean to ensuring that the collaboration will be lucrative for both partners and resonate with the intended target market. Other considerations such as authenticity, brand values, messaging, strategy, and creativity will also be discussed as other opportunities for coastal non profit  organizations will be vetted. A hallmark of Dr. Barr’s work has been the use of experiential learning to build relevance into coursework through community engagement. During her career, she directed over 400 student projects for various service-learning partners spanning three decades.  About half of the projects involved marketing research studies that informed organizations, enabling them to secure funding for new initiatives and improve upon existing services. Dr. Barr served as a founding faculty fellow for the Stockton Center for Community Engagement and recognition for her civic efforts include the 2014 American Red Cross (Southern Shore Chapter) Education Champion Award for outstanding community leadership, and the 2010 Stockton Community Engagement Faculty Award for exemplary service, leadership, and commitment to the community and the college.

For over a decade, the Southern Ocean Chamber has been providing the free nonprofit forums several times a year which bring together volunteer and staffed nonprofits to share ideas, calendars, and have generated collaborations that still continue. In partnership with Ocean County Culture & Heritage, grant recipients will receive education credits for attending this event. RSVP is required to the Southern Ocean Chamber office at 609.494.7211, email to kate@sochamber.com For more information please go to www.visitLBIregion.com or follow on social @southernocean and @lbiregion.